
Check-in Info (departing from Whangarei)

Time of check-in: 1400 (2:00 pm)
Ship Repair Yard - 279 Port Road, Whangarei.

Please note this is a working ship yard so access is restricted. Upon arrival please wait at the front gate and you will be escorted to the ship as a group. Do NOT attempt to drive into the ship yard.


Flights – when arranging flights into Whangarei, we recommend you allow ample time for travel to the ship, a minimum of 30 minutes is advised.

Arrival Info (ship arriving into Whangarei)

Time of return: 0900 (9:00am)
Ship Repair Yard - 279 Port Road, Whangarei.

Please note this is a working ship yard so access is restricted. Once participants have removed rubbish and their bags from the ship they will be brought out to the gates as a group. If you are collecting someone from the voyage please wait at the front ship yard gate where participants will be brought out - approx 9.30am. Do NOT attempt to drive into the ship yard.


Please read the What to pack carefully and pack accordingly

Please do NOT bring any kind of food/snacks onboard your voyage. (This is because some students do have food allergies) If you have any dietary requirements please get in touch with our team to discuss. 

Mobile phones/mobile devices – please ensure that travelling participants have their mobile phone with them. ALL mobile phones/mobile devices will be securely locked away for the duration of the voyage.

Delayed getting to the Ship – if for any reason you get delayed on the way to the Ship, please call to advise as soon as possible.

We can’t wait for you to join us on your voyage. 

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.